2011年6月12日 星期日

Celebrate Earth Day Every Day

April 22nd will bring with it a day to remember that the Earth needs to be cared for as well as everything else in our lives. What can we do help you may ask? Where did Earth Day come from?

Earth day actually started with a number of events, which led to the official formation of Earth Day in the spring of 1970. For more detailed information about the formation of this important day, Google Earth Day or Senator Gaylord Nelson, the founder of Earth Day.

Many communities across the nation and worldwide have various activities that you can join in. Why not try to do something with your children or even as a family? What is your school doing? To find out what your community is doing on this special day go to EarthDay.Net enter your zip code or State and click search. If you do not find an activity near you just create one.

Activities you might do with children:

1. Go to the local grocery store before the 22nd and ask for some brown grocery bags. Have your family, friends, and schoolmates decorate them for Earth Day. Return them to the store so that they can be used on the 22nd to remind people to use paper or clothe bags.

2. Attend a local Earth Day Fair. Most colleges will have a fair with lots of information and free activities for the kids to do.

3. Plant a tree or spread some grass and/or wildflower seeds in areas that need some "life".

4. Pick up trash and debris along the rivers and beaches. Please be sure to use gloves. Parents, please supervise your children.

5. For really little ones, you might just take them to the park and read them a wee story on creation or mother earth. They can play in the grass, feel the sand in their feet, watch the birds sing, and if old enough pick up after themselves after a lovely picnic. (speak to your toddler about the importance of picking up after ones self and the effect it has on the environment)

6. Walk to school or work.

7. Ride your bicycle.

8. Make a bird feeder out of a toilet tissue roll by covering it with peanut butter and then adding some birdseed. Hang it on a tree with some string.

9. Take the Ecological Foot Print quiz on this site MyFootPrint.Org.

10. Home Educators, Moms, Dads, and Teachers: Make a solar oven with your children and bake a pizza or grilled cheese sandwich for lunch!

11. Adopt a rainforest animal at Kids Domain. (Search: Earth Day, Adopt, Rain Forest)

12. Go to Kids Club at EPA and request a free Planet Protectors Club Kit! I did this with my eldest when he was about 5 years old and he really enjoyed it. [EPA.GOV]

Above all, enjoy yourself. Spend time with your children and the Earth.

(c) 2009

Sara Duggan writes for various publications including independent Zines. She blogs at http://momwithahook.blogspot.com and http://snailmailpals.net

